Let’s Be Friends

821 million people go to bed hungry every single night. 663 million people don’t have access to clean water. There are roughly 25 million victims of human trafficking all over the world. CO2 levels are at 415 PPM for first time in 3 million+ years. 736 million people around the world live on less than $1.90 a day.

I could go on and on and on.

Let’s Give A Damn was created because we believe that every single human has a role to play in being an agent of change in our world. We believe each person must give a damn. Each one of us possesses something(s) that the world needs in order to become a better place.

Let’s Give A Damn was birthed out of 15+ years of work in the humanitarian world and a deep desire to help people overcome the hurdles and excuses we make for why we don’t give a damn. We aim to help people get rid of the excuses holding them back and we empower them to give more damns than ever before.

Will you join us?

The Paloma Podcast is hosted by Fran Tirado, a writer and speaker on all

things queer.